Did you change action to Get the VALUE from ROW - since you are in a loop?
Alex and James,
A great resource for QB tables is:
All tables listed with Fields. Method is already set up to sync what fields can sync. So you don't really need to worry about that. But it does help to understand whats in each system. And ...
Hey Jeff, Just to add something special about QBCustom Fields. They are always Text fields... Just need to be aware of this if you do any customization with these fields in Method. Don't get me wrong. These fields sync fine between QB and Method.
Your question #4 asked about your ItemInventory screen. ...
The Google Gadget is awesome, it is so powerful and does allow you to do alot and I know it can be frustrating when what seems like like a logical process can't be done.
How about this ---- When you send out your proposal,get into the gadget and add the activity. This reords your reply. Then with the Gadget.... ...
So basically you want a Sales report showing all of your customers. which are New as of a certain date. Set up sceen as Inder suggested with Date (customer created date?) , Sales Rep fields Or Create a report created with Report Designer would be best - then you have option of printing or viewing on screen.
Just some ...
Noel's answer is correct but if you find yourself constantly changing who is Opted in or Out - another approach would require customization (which could be involved) but would get you more flexible results.
Add a listing of contacts for specific customer estimate is for. Choose who you want to email document to.
Adjust email ...
Here is an idea for not having to deal with two lists. For many of my Method clients, I have combined the Customerr/Lead Lists. This way they do not need to figure out what is what. On my screen, I added a field for "Contact" type, so its clear what type of "Name" you are dealing with. With a joint table, ...
Everytime I log into Method from my new computer, I am asked what time zone I am in? this doesn't happen when I log into other Method from other machines. Ideas?
I was under impression that Sales Reps could only be updated in QB. As per the Sales Rep screeen:
Due to a limitation of the QuickBooks Software Development Kit, you are only able to create new Sales Reps through Method. If you'd like to edit or delete a Sales Rep, you'll need to do this in ...
HI scottaskinosie ,
Yes this can be done in Method either by adding a screen' showing only New Customers within a date range or by adding a field to your customer screen showing the 'modified date' which you could filter by.. Or by creating a report with the Method Report designer. Its unfortunate that QB ...