Is it possible, through actions, to force another screen (tab link) to reload? For example, on page A database values are updated that affect the display of page B. Can an action from page A cause page B to be refreshed so the new values are already displayed when the tab is selected?
When an email is sent using the Send Email action within Method, does Method keep track of the sent emails? If Method does keep track, where do I look to find the sent emails? If Method doesn't, is this a situation for the Outlook plugin?
First a little background. We created a new role: Account Manager. We made a copy of the Edit Oppotunity screen and customized it. We are currently testing our work with two user roles, Account Manager and Administrator.
Now the problem. When an Account Manager is signed in and the Edit Opportunity screen is first ...
I have made progress on creating email templates, but I cannot find any way to create and send a one-time email from the estimate form with a .pdf of the print preview estimate attached. In other words, there are times when using the “save and email” button with a pre-set template won’t work because we may have ...
Is there a way to set the display of money field values to 2 decimal places without having to resort to using "Basic Math Calculation" actions on each screen field?
I have answered my own questions with a little more investigating and experimenting. I can add dynamic updating of grid fields by adding actions to the fields. The grid refresh updates the column totals. Saving the estimate updates the estimate totals. I can call the save button action set from a number of places to ...
I see that the Subtotal, Tax Item, and Total properly update after the estimate is saved (but not after the grid is updated). I found the actions in the save button that perform the save and update of fields. I suppose I could call the save button action set if I want the grid update to also save all sections and update the ...
During customization of screens, occasionally I get a dialog box asking me to sign back in to accomplish a task. After I enter user and password in the dialog box, sometimes the task is performed, other times I am told I need to sign off and sign back on.
I get the impression this is happening because of changes I am making to the ...
I just noticed when I update the line item grid on the Estimate screen, that the overall Estimate Subtotal, Tax Item, and Total are not updating. I have also reloaded the screen and the totals remain the same (and are still incorrect). I suppose I can fix this by writing my own actions, but isn't this supposed to be happening ...