The following updates are now live for users of Method:Classic.
Platform Updates
Updated purchase order line item logic so that subtotal line items do not receive a quantity by default. This resulted in QB conflicts in the past. (Ticket AS-1410)
Fixed nested looping so that inner loops can process more than 500 records ...
Yes, we would be able to call a 3rd party API any time a new order is created within Method.
Example - I create a Sales Order in Method. Clicking the ’Save’ button initiates a call to 3PL that pushes order information into 3PL.
Yes, we can query an outside API to retrieve information like tracking numbers ...
Hello Otto,
When retrieving data using the MethodAPISelect_XMLv2 call, you need to specify a list of field names. There a few ways you can accomplish this -
You can use the MethodAPIFieldListV2 call to view a list of fields for the 'Customer' table. To get you started, try using the fieldname of ...
The MethodAPITableListV2 endpoint will return a list of all tables within your account - including any new custom tables you've created, and standard QuickBooks tables like Customer and Inoivce.
To verify - you tried using the tool available HERE and still did not receive a valid response? You only need to input your ...
The following updates are now live for users of Method.
Method Web-To-Lead forms to ensure they send email using correct port settings (Ticket AS-1241)
Method's Sync Engine to use a 'Long' data type for storing QBO RealmIds. RealmIds are the unique numbers used by ...
Hi Otto,
You should expect to see a list of tables in the response from MethodAPITableListV2. Please verify the parameters being passed to the endpoint. You can verify the required parameters and also perform a test from your browser HERE.
Thanks for the clarification.
Yes - If you have a password set for the closing date in QuickBooks, the API will still add the bill to Method, however, the bill will not sync to QuickBooks (A conflict will be created to identify that you tried to create a transaction in a closed period).
Based on your respose, it sounds like you have ...
Hi vonwao,
Can you please provide more details as to which API endpoint you are calling? That will help us compare the results being returned to what is expected.
Hi ITfromValor,
The API does not prevent transactions from being added to Method for closed periods. Method will not sync transactions in closed periods as long as your QuickBooks file has a closing date password set.
For clarification on your problem, could you please verify -
Do you have a closing date password set on ...
Hi vonwao,
Unfortunately, our current API is not setup to return JSON.