Hi mlepitt-
Are you taking a look at the CRM_Home Dashboard screen? The Refresh Counts button should have actions to generate these values. It also makes use of current date but there is no looping in that button.
Hi Shelley-
Edit the field and on Step 1 click Advanced Options, change the number of input lines, this should make the box bigger. :)
Hi Andy-
What is the type of the field? Go to Customize > Tables / Fields and click Edit Fields for the table where the field exists. If the type is an integer then you won't be able to enter any decimals. Looking at integer field text boxes it still lets set the decimal but it cannot be used. I will create a ticket to have this changed to ...
Hi Mark-
I have been able to duplicate this. I will create a ticket for this and update this post once the issue is resolved.
This should now be resolved what i did was regenerate the table for Vendor and Opportunity (This is done by clicking Edit Fields… for those tables and then Finished Editing Fields.
Hi Shawn-
I just tried it to and it worked in my account. If you enable MethodSupport (Customize > Users) and email me your account name I can take a look at why you are getting that error message.
These screens come with the New CRM and by default are in the CRM tab group(The tab group that is currently displayed is changed by using the drop down on the top right of the screen).
The individual items of an Assembly list are stored in the ItemGroupOrAssemblyList table, what you can do is link in the QuantityOnHand field into that table based on item and add a detached grid to your screen based on that table that is filtered by Assembly item from screen. This way you can see what makes up the Assembly and the ...
If you are just looking for the Vendor FullName why not add the field into the table from the Vendor table? If you add it directly from the Vendor table into the Opportunity table as a drop down it will let you select FullName.
I'm glad to hear that you got it resolved.