Hey Jerry,
You can do this by editing the Estimate template using our Report Designer tool. You'll need to be running in a Windows environment in order to download and install this tool. You'll just need to delete the EstimateLine.SalesTaxCode field. Hope this helps!
- Ashur
Hi Ken,
Since the field was added to the Activity table, it won't be available in your Invoice screen as it's based off of the Invoice table. What you can do is edit the Invoice table to create a Dropdown which is attached to the RecordID field of the Activity table. Once that's done, you can create a Linked field which ...
Hey Ben B,
You can easily do this using the Generate Report action. First create your template using the Report Designer and make it pleasing to the eye. Then customize the screen you want to generate the report from and you can set the filter criteria within the Generate Report action. Below is my example which shows all activities with the ...
Hey Blake,
There isn't an identifier you can utilize specifically for google calendar, however if you check out the CRM_ActivityTypeList screen you'll notice a Show On Calendar? option for each activity type. This yes/no field determines whether or not the activity will show on the activity calendar. So as long as it's not app ...
Hey Blake,
I'll put in a request ticket for this feature but keep in mind that it would first need to be approved, and since we're working on new upcoming projects, this request will take some time to get around to.
Hey Garrett,
How are you inserting the invoice record, are you simply using the Insert Record into Table action, or are you clicking Save on the Invoice screen?
This is most likely due to that Account name being available separately for several tenants. For example, the account name across the board is Accounts Receivable, however the main ...
Hey bcr_garrett,
Perform a search for the Object number (80000029-1249501594) and you'll see it show up twice within that message. The first time it shows up in the error message and the second time it shows up in the request data. If you look carefully, the object number is surrounded by ListID, which is in turn surrounded by ARAccountRef. ...
Sorry about that, forgot to include the screenshot of the Plot Addresses action properties.
- Ashur
If you don't want to make the grid editable then include a Select link on your grid so that you can set a specific Activity as the on screen active record ID. Then drag the SalesOrder field onto your screen and include a button object which will update the value of that field in the Activity table (Update Field in Table action). Then ...
Hi Jule,
What do you mean when you say[quote user="Jule"]I would like to be able to update one field in a grid while in the table. (SortOrder) [/quote] Do you mean that you would like to edit this one particular field while looking at the grid on your screen?
If you haven't already, watch our Getting started with Tables and Fields ...