Thanks for the reply. As we are not a "customized" license, I am going to repurpose BillToAddressNote for "created by/timestamp" and ShipToAddressNote as "last updated by user/timestamp".
In Chrome and Firefox, where exactly are " Internet browser time settings"? Thanks!
Our Method CRM users intermittantly cannot login to Method CRM, or we get the spinning balls of death, too frequently today. We get locked out of Method for up to a minute or two. This is unacceptable. Please fix!
Is there a way to link Employee Entity rows to SalesOrder and SalesOrderLine rows to determine who created them and who last editted them? I am looking at the Transaction table as a possible source for this data. Thanks.
Solution: Repurpose Company.CompanyType. Its 255 characters that are not used by us in Method or Quickbooks. Since Company is always available in Report Designer, just before generating a report, I update Company.Company with resultReportfilter where RecordID = 1. Then I put Company.CompanyType on the report. Bingo.
I ...
Is there a way to upper case a value on a screen, such as a state code? Upper() is not in the character function list. Thanks.
AND IsManuallyClosed = 0 does it.
How do I print the "where script" on the report? I need to know the "filter" criteria used to generate a report. Thanks.
Here are the images to the setup and preview.