I'd like to sort the grid in the Lead List screen by our "Lead Rating" variable so that it can be exported/printed in an acceptable order. The values are 1. "Hot" 2. "Warm" 3. "Cold" 4. "Won" 5. "Lost". The ideal way would be to do this via actions attached to a ...
I did exactly what you did. More than once in fact (on consecutive days).
This has been going on for years and is a serious hindrance. I'm changing the rejected rep IDs manually because I can't affort to wait. Although there's no guarantee that the changes will take. I'll let you know.
Either way, if you'd like to ...
I exported 2 columns from the "Customer and Customer Lead" selection in the export dropdown: "Record ID" and "SalesRep".
I changed a group of sales rep IDs (eg. "AF" and "SW" to "SL") and then imported it back into Method.
Everything seemed fine at the time, but the next day, ...
It's back to dollars now for no apparent reason. But it switches back and forth intermittently on multiple computers.
It used to show dollars but now is showing Euros. How is this possible?
For us, invoice numbers cannot be assigned/changed/edited in Method. The field is hidden or read-only.
All issues happened on the day I posted this (Monday May 6th, 2014). and applied to a series of new invoices on that day - all created in Method.
Throughout much of today (unnoticed by us until now), a series of invoices were assigned duplicate numbers - in pairs.
There were multiple instances of invoices created in Method and submitted for 2 different companies where they each had the same invoice number.
My Method settings are such that QB assigns invoice numbers, not Method, and ...
But my question was: can I only put actual dates in the "datepicker" (on page 1 of 5)? Or can that field be dynamic and be filled with an action result or a shared result?
I have a date field on one of my screens and I'd like to set the default date to January 1st of the current year. I know how to take the date from the current session and put this into an action result but how do I reflect that in the field? Do I need to specifically populate in on screen load with an action? Or can this action result be ...
Never mind. After some research, I discovered that the Customer table is a subset of the Entity table (with the same Record IDs) and the Contaacts table is separate, with different Record IDs.