The Method server is exceptionally slow today. Is there something going on in particular that is causing this, and if so any idea when it will be resolved?
Totally Helps! Thanks so much as always :)
If I remove a user, will completed activities that were originally assigned to them still be seen in the customers history?
Ah, yes.. That works wonderfully!!
Thanks You as always!
I want a contacts "Alt Phone" to show up in the "contacts info" section of the new activity screen. The Alt Phone field was not on the list of fields to add on the New Activity screen, so I went to the fields/tables and added a linked field. Named it ContactsAltPhone and linked it using Contacts and Alt phone for ...
When customizing, how do I add a row to the middle of a section? or Move an empty row from the bottom of the section?
Thank you Audisho.
Is there someone on your end that gets an "emergency" notification when there is a service disruption? Because for me as your customer it is an emergency as I can not effectively service my customers when Method is down. The two times I have experienced this problem, it seems to have been resolved ...
The server and your website both have been having trouble today. Could you let me know what is happening. While slow, method has until a week or so ago been very reliable. Not sure what is going on, but it makes me completely ineffective at my job when this happens as I have come to rely heavily on Method for work orders and ...
Wed. 6:25am - your server appears to be down. I can not even get to the log in page.