Hi Team,
I am facing the below error when I click "email" button in the invoice screen. I am trying some customizations on the View Invoice and Pay Now buttons.
Error message "A008 - Error: Invalid Contact Record Id"
More information: Line - 16 Loop through Table
Line20: CreateShortUrl.
Please ...
I don't have a report header; however, I didn't know you could filter the DetailReport band. I did what you said with a filter and it worked!
Thanks so much for your help, as usual.
Hi Solarguys,
This usually happens around when there is daylight saving changes happen. Our team is looking for an overall fix to avoid this from happening. Thanks for reaching out to us.
I take it that the report header is different than the detail table here? Your best bet is to probably use the filter criteria on the detail band within report designer.
So to set something like this up, within method have an extra field on the detail table that you can set to true, and then in report designer using the filter criteria on the ...
No worries...thanks Inder!
Hi Geekoid,
Apologies for the delay in answering this post. I can do a bit of testing on my end to offer some solution to this query.
This question has been answered offline via email where we have helped them in setting it up via correct API required fields.
Is this forum dead?
How can I print only one specific detail line item in a report? For example, I only want to print a chosen row in the ItemReceiptLine grid for an item receipt. I tried using the TxnLineID as a filter in the Generate Report action but that didn't work. I was able to test showing the TxnLineID saved as an action result from a loop through ...