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You searched for the word(s): email
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  • Re: weird things happening

    it just happened again!!! i updated an email address for one of my contacts and she has disaapeared from the company.  she has now appeared under the company i was previously working with (the company that was left "open" in the edit screen)! this time i was able to delete her. but now i have to go back and re-add her to the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by swm023 on 02-09-2012
  • Re: Setting up a method account sign up page

    Hi LaCrews, There are many possible return messages, Most revolve around bad data being entered. For example, a required field is not entered, an invalid email address is entered, etc.  At this time I do not have a full listing of all possibilities since we try to be as specific as possible. However I can tell you the big 3 ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_David on 01-31-2012
  • Re: Adding Contact Info to Sales Order and Work Order

    Just a quick update for anyone that might be following (now or in future)... I added Contact (as a dropdown) and ContactName (as a linked text field) to the SalesOrder table. I then dropped the Contact field (the dropdown) on the SalesOrder form, binding the selected value to the ContactName. The Contact dropdown is filtered as follows: ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Blake C on 12-02-2011
  • Re: New Activity - drop down for customer name instead of contact name

    lpierpont- When you select a contact from the Contact drop down there are actions that populate the Contact Name, Phone and Email. You can apply a similar concept with an Entity drop down but it may not be an easy task since everything is linked to contacts in Method, also since one entity could potentially have multiple contacts when you select ...
  • Re: Error Message when entering bills

    Katie G- Are you using a customized screen or an original Method Screen? If you are using a customized screen does the same thing happen with the original screen? If you are not using a customized screen or the same thing is happening with the original screen can you enable MethodSupport (Customize > Users) and email me your account name ...
  • Re: Accounts list not completely/properly uploaded to Method

    smohyee- I would make sure that the Transactions History is set to All to make sure all transactions come over (This is found under QuickBooks > Synchronize) and then I would try a Full Sync by going to Synchronize > Full Synchronization in the Method Integration engine (While logged in with an admin account) [quote ...
  • Re: Company Name Dropdown Issue

    Is this happening to ALL dropdows? Including ones on our original screen or just your customized screens? This one is difficult to review over the forums. Can you please do the following: Enable MethodSupport Post (or email me directly) the Method account name Provide step-by-step details on how to get to one of the dropdowns and explain what ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 06-30-2011
  • Re: Make table pop up when slecting from a drop down

    Hi there, Sounds like you want to create a different looking version of the same screen to correspond with each of your machine types. Definitely possible and can be done several ways. When the user selects a machine from the dropdown have the screen show up as a pop up screen. It might be possible to re-use the same screen but just show or hide ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 06-28-2011
  • Re: Web form error

    Hi, If you get an error "The URL from which web form was submitted is not within a selected refferer list." it usually means that someone downloaded your web form and tries to submit faulty values to your web form. Since our assumption is that values are faulty, since they came from an untrusted source, we don't submit them to ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by Method_Victor on 03-09-2011
  • Re: [Xora] Allocate Overtime

    Hi Jonathan, I’m trying to replicate this in my test account and everything seems to work. I tried calculating OT by both day and view. So, let’s see if I can replicate it using your exact data. Can you please email me the following: Please walk me through the steps you take in Method as best as you can. Include screen shots of ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 02-18-2011
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