I was referring to customizing the screen. I like that better than using Search. Which screen(s) exactly are the ones that I would need to customize? Is is CustomerList, LeadList, and OpportunityList? I've tried editing those screen and I'm not seeing how to add a new column (or remove exiting columns for that matter).
So, it sounds like I'm missing a step somewhere. 1st I created a new field--LeadStage. Then I made a copy of the CRM_EditLead screen. What it sounds like you're telling me now is that I need to add my new field to the Customer table, is that correct? Once I've done that it will appear in the toolbox when I edit the ...
When I export an Opportunity Table I have over 100 opportunities. I can go to each customer/lead and see the opportunities. However, when I go to my Opportunity List to filert and view opportunities I can only see 2 or 3. What is going on? How can I fix this?
How would I go about creating a way to view my leads by city or location? I guess I'd need to do the same for customers and opportunites as well.
I got the new CRM_EditLead screen created and I can see what you mean about dragging and dropping. However, how do I get the new field I created--LeadStage--into the toolbox on the left so that I can drag and drop it onto my screen?
Ok, so I created the new drop-down field (not sure where it is now). How do I customize my leads screen now?
i can import info into the contactname field just fine but that doens't associate the opportunity with the right contact. when i use the contacts field i get the following error:
ERROR:Value 'Aaron Lombardo', which you tried to insert into column 'Contacts' of type Integer could not be interpreted as an Integer.
i'm trying to view the customization webinars.
i need to create a custom field for leads. my understanding is that leadstatus isn't customizable and i need to create something similar that has more options than method's default options.
I'm having trouble viewing the webinars on my mac. I've downloaded the latest components and codecs and can't view in Quicktime or VLC. Any suggestions? Is there another way to access these webinars?
Nevermind, I tried something different and got it to work. I think I'm figuring this out.
What are the key fields for opportunities and activites? I want to associate them with contacts--whether they be leads or customers.