How would I insert the customer's previous balance to the invoice screen so I have a choice to show it or not in the templates?
How do I get multiple records (checked) from a grid and insert them into a table?
I have a dropdown objet base on the customer table, that shows me customer name and customer category.
When I select a customer the customer name is inserted into a table
I want to have actions that if a check box is checked when I select a customer, all customers with the same category will be inserted into the table
How do I do that?
From the work order list, I selected the "work orders to be renewed" filter, then I go to renew selected work orders and clicked on it.
1-the work orders are renewed but they still in the work orders to be renewed list, how do I know if the work orders were renewed, shoul't they be removed fron that list?
2-the due start and end ...
I thought that I linked the two table but i think I did it wrong
Print, is a template based on the activities table called Renewal Letter, I though that by putting the field that we inserted the action result to, that would work. But it does not show
The linked field I created is called "ML_CrewLeader2" , when I use this field in my templates nothing shows, why?
The linked field works perfect
Thanks !!!
Finally I made it work, I was putting the action result into a text box and not a field from the customer table.
So my only question is what happens when I change a team leader in one of my teams?