Hello Devon,
MethodAPIGetScreenURLV2 works only with our legacy Classic platform. We do not support this with our New platform as we have moved away from Tabs and Tab links UI.
Hello Brett,
If there was a custom screen built off of Audit Trail that should'nt be impacted. Can you send account details to support team so that they can troubleshoot the issue?
Hi Laks,
I have customized my screens in Classic and will not be migrating to New with this account. I created a screen with a grid using the Audit Trail table which still exists. Are you saying that this table is no longer populating with data? Are you saying that I am forced to migrate to New even though there is no conversion of ...
Hello Brett,
We have retired our legacy Audit Trail from Classic platform. However, you will be able to access similar information in our New platform. Please send your account details to our support team so that they can help you with the same.
For some reason, the Audit Trail is not showing the Created Date and ADD action for at least sales orders (the transaction type I am reporting on) starting on Jan 14, 2020. Has something changed?
I'm trying to use MethodAPIGetScreenURLV2 call to generate a MethodCRM URL to view a specific contact.
I'm having difficulty with the call. I can get it to successfully send the call, however, it either fails due to TabLinkName & TabName not being valid or in the one case I've gotten it to work (based on ...
Hello hanwell,
Thanks for reaching out. Can you email with the request that you are trying to POST to Insert into EstimateLine table?
We recently started using the API to insert EstimateLine items. However, it's returning the following error for some items:
The MethodAPIInsertV2 call failed:
191 could not be found as a possible value to insert.
This is occurring for other items in addition to #191. This is our first time attempting to insert EstimateLine items via ...
I am trying to email a list of people who worked on a project. The main page is in one table, and I have an editable grid within that page with the list of people who should be included in the email.
I can join all of those entries, and I can put that into an action result, but then when I try and merge that action result into ...