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You searched for the word(s): email
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  • Gadget Feature Request

    Support, I am finally taking the time to get this request out of my head and into your hands. We love the Gmail gadget but it should would be great if the contact/customer lookup would look up the email in the sent address. We often find ourselves sending a customer a email that will likly require a follow up and it would be great when composing ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by jwarren on 10-01-2013
  • Campaigns and ListBuilder - Need to have the ability to save lists for future campaigns

     Suggestions to improve ListBuilder: 1.  Since the ListBuilder table is filled in from the Customer table, why is the selection of columns so limited and not include at least the zip code, state, city, etc?  Most campaigns are targeted by region, especially if assigning as an activity to a sales person with an assigned region, ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by kpaul222 on 04-03-2013
  • What is the link you use for http://urlforportal

    How do i do this?  Is there an automatically generated link?   Portal Link When writing your email template, you may want to include a link to the contacts portal.  Why is this useful?  Imagine sending out a a mass email to contacts with overdue invoices.  Rather then having them type in the address for your portal to ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Willy on 12-18-2012
  • Re: Attachments

    Greetings, If you have field services, or Schedual and invoices, there is a button called "email workorder" and you could study how this works.  Method creates a report called Generate Report, then saves that as a action result. in my case its a PDF work order. below that is the  Send Email>Attachment, that generate ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by John M on 11-30-2012
  • Re: Error when sending Payment Notification

     Another thing i just noticed is, the email is going to the customer just fine, however I am also receiving a copy of the email in my inbox as well, almost like a CC. I checked and i do not have my email address in the CC field in the template. In fact the email I am receiving has the customer's address in the to field, not mine. Any ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by handcrafted on 02-09-2011
  • Re: SendEmailV2 with email templates

    Hi Dave, The dataset was returning encoded data, and I was using one of the stock email templates to test it out. The HttpUtility.HtmlDecode did the trick though and now it is working beautifully, thanks for your help!
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Matt on 07-05-2012
  • Re: Emailing estimates not working?

    Hi Grif, I tested this on my account and the email that is sent includes a link to the customer’s guest page. When I originally tried to send the email, I received an error that I needed to make the ‘Guest - View Estimate’ screen public by navigating to Manage Apps -> Estimates -> Edit App -> Guest - View Estimate ...
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by Method_Audisho on 11-27-2014
  • Re: Email within Activities not working properly

    Hey, You mentioned that the autofill doesn't happen when you send the email out. When you choose the email template in the "New Activity" screen, and it populates the preview email fields with the template information, does it not autofill in the body of that preview either? Naeem 
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 12-17-2013
  • Formatting limitations on send email action

    The message field of the send email action seems to have some formatting limitations for line spacing. </br> tag doesn’t seem to work in an expression. <div> tags seem to get the line breaks but I can't get two line breaks. Am I missing something?
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by mahlonf on 05-28-2015
  • Re: Activitiy linked to worng Oppurtunites

    Adrian, We still haven't received an email from you with the CompanyAccount Name you login with (please email this to ), this would be required for us to look into your account further.  Also, when you send this email, I would suggest sending us the copy of the original, unaltered file you ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 09-26-2013
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