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How to mass assign sales reps to leads?

Last post 01-11-2012 4:28 PM by Anonymous. 2 replies.
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  • 01-10-2012 3:34 PM

    • Dan_AA
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 12-23-2011
    • Posts 5

    How to mass assign sales reps to leads?

    Can anyone please tell me how I can mass assign a sales rep to our current leads? 


  • 01-11-2012 3:15 PM In reply to

    Re: How to mass assign sales reps to leads?


    Hi Dan_AA, 

    The only way to do this is by adding a button on any screen that will have an action where you would have to loop though the customer tables where IsLeadStatusOnly = True and update the salesreps for those leads. 

    The webinar titled “Advanced Actions: Looping and Conditional Statements” in our Method Community will explain to you how to put in that action. You can also review our other webinars there to help you with preparation for this customization.  

    In addition, you can also use the import/export tool to export out the information from the customer table and update it in excel where you can import it back in. 

    I hope that helps.



  • 01-11-2012 4:28 PM In reply to

    Re: How to mass assign sales reps to leads?


    Hi Dan,

    I just thought of another solution for your question. The import/export feature will also help you out in this situation:

    1. Export the customer table (be sure to export RecordID) and Sales Rep field

    2. Update the Sales Rep

    3. Import the revised excel back into the customer table

    4. It should then prompt you to update instead of adding new records. 


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