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customizing the customer/lead screen

Last post 01-30-2012 11:45 AM by Anonymous. 2 replies.
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  • 01-28-2012 9:09 AM

    customizing the customer/lead screen

    Forgive me, but I'm doing this for the first time.  I want to make some changes to the customer (and lead) screen and mobile customer screen.  Specifically, I want to add the following fields: 

    Best Selling or Pour Wines (drop down)

    Other Wines (drop down)

    Store Hours

    Primary Contact Hours

    Key Staff Names

    I'd also like to move the following:

    Sales Tax Code to the main screen of both

    "Notes" to the additional info screen (table?) of the customer screen .  

    I can't find "notes" on the mobile version and want to have access to it there somewhere. 

    I could afford to lose fax, pager, other, Middle Initial and Mr/Ms if necessary from both screens if that helps.

    Lastly, is there a way to make the phone number "active" on the mobile screen?


  • 01-30-2012 11:30 AM In reply to

    Re: customizing the customer/lead screen


    Hi CatWineUSA, 

    The first thing that I would recommend for you to do is to review the webinars that can teach you how to customize Method under the heading of Customization here

    Here is my recommendation for the following requirements:

    1. "Best Selling" "Pour Wines" and "Other Wines" (dropdown)

    To the Customer table, you want to add fields with the field type of Dropdown. When you click Edit on the respective fields in the screen designer, you can add the available options to the user in Step 4 of 6.

    2. "Store Hours", "Primary Contact Hours", and "Key Staff Names"

    To the Customer table, you want to add the fields with the field type of Text to add the above information. When you click Edit on the designer screen, you can also select the Advanced Options and then check Read Only: do not allow editing check box which won't allow this field to be modified by the user. 

    3. Sales Tax Code to the main screen of the customer and lead screen.

    When you are making changes to the copy of the new lead and new customer screens, you can add rows to the section that you want to move those fields to and then you can move the fields to those empty rows. 

    4. "Notes" to the additional info screen of the customer screen. 

    The "Notes" field can be added to the customer screen by the addition of a field with the field type of Text to the customer table. When you are editing the properties of the field, you need to make sure that the "Size" field for that text box which represents the maximum amount of characters that you can add to the text field, starts at 2000. This field can then be added to the Additional Info section on the new customer screen. 

    In addition, the mobile version will have the notes on the new customer and new lead screens available after you customize Method on your laptop or desktop computer. 

    If you have any additional questions, you can take advantage of our paid consulting service where we can customize the customer and leads screen to your specification at a rate of $125/hour. 

    I hope that this has helped you. 



  • 01-30-2012 11:45 AM In reply to

    Re: customizing the customer/lead screen

    Hi CatWineUSA,

    I have some additional information to add to my response. For 2, make sure that you also increase the "Size" for the Test type field to accomdate the information when adding the field to the table, that you click on Edit on the field within the screen designer, and that you add that information to the "Default value": field in Step 1 of 4 when editing the field. 

    I hope that this helps. 


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