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What is the role of the "LineGroupRecordID" field?

Last post 02-24-2012 3:58 PM by Anonymous. 4 replies.
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  • 02-24-2012 12:20 PM

    What is the role of the "LineGroupRecordID" field?

    In line item tables, such as SalesOrderLineItems or InvoiceLineItems, there are several RecordID fields. 

    First, there is just the RecordID, which I assume is the ID of the individual line.

    Second, there is SalesOrderRecordID (or the Invoice equivalent), which associates a line item with a given Sales Order. 

    There are a few other record id fields for classes, items, etc, which all make sense to me. 


    Then, there is the SalesOrderLineGroupRecordID, and I'm unclear what the purpose of this field is. I see it being used in the SalesOrder->Invoice screen, along with some notion of "child" groups. Unfortunately, the short explanations in the action set doesn't clarify it for me, and I can't find any documentation describing the role of default fields. Can you clarify how and why line items are "grouped"?

  • 02-24-2012 2:26 PM In reply to

    Re: What is the role of the "LineGroupRecordID" field?


    Hi smohyee,

    The SalesOrderLineGroupRecordID represents the item group that you have created which represents several individual records IDs that you would not like to place individually on a sales order.

    This is also applicable to the invoice and its InvoiceLineGroupRecordID.

    I hope that this helps.




  • 02-24-2012 3:04 PM In reply to

    Re: What is the role of the "LineGroupRecordID" field?


    Hi smohyee, 

    Just wanted to give you an update for the SalesOrderLineGroupRecordID. The group item will still be shown on the sales order as a separate line item. This is also applicable to the invoice for the InvoiceLineGroupRecordID.

    The group item in both cases is used to link a group of individual items that are related to each other. 

    I hope that this helps. 



  • 02-24-2012 3:46 PM In reply to

    Re: What is the role of the "LineGroupRecordID" field?

    Ah, I see, it's referring to the same "Item Group" that you can create in QB. I believe in QB it also lists the group item as a separate line item.

    Thanks for the quick response!

  • 02-24-2012 3:58 PM In reply to

    Re: What is the role of the "LineGroupRecordID" field?


    Hi smohyee, 

    That is correct. 


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