I'm seeking clarification on the usage of "Row" references when performing various actions. For example when using the Assign Value to Action Result action there is an option "Value from Row".
I had thought this might refer to the row in a Grid when looping through the Grid, or that this referred to the active row in a grid, but this usage does not seem to work very well, at least when attempting to use it to reference the currently active row in a Grid.
This option appears best used when operating on table records when using the Loop Through Table actions. I've looked up the usage of this option in the CRM Help Center but I can only find this description.
Value From Row – sets the condition to a value from a specified row.
This explanation doesn't really describe what the option does or how to use it, or what the "specified row" would be.
When using this option, the edit panel of the action will report that to use the Value from Row option the statement needs to be within a Loop Through Table (Grid?) set of statements. Presumably this is some added validation.
Could someone define the usage of "Value from Row", preferably also add to the CRM solution topic #133?
Specificaly, clarify if this option works for both Loop Through Table AND Loop Through Grid, or only Loop Through Table. Please also define if this can be used to operate on values in a Grid. Will it operate on values of the active row of a grid as determined by cursor position on the screen, etc. or only between Loop Through and End Loop statements?