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Getting the Report Designer to display "0"s in number fields

Last post 03-26-2012 3:32 PM by Method_Michael. 1 replies.
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  • 03-26-2012 2:37 PM

    Getting the Report Designer to display "0"s in number fields

    In a few number fields I have, I've modified the format to {0:#}, which I believe indicates that I want just an integer number (without a decimal point) to be displayed. This seems to work for all numbers entered into the field except 0, which causes the field to be left blank in the display. I would like to distinguish between the number 0 and a blank/null value.  

    How can I make a value of 0 display accordingly?

  • 03-26-2012 3:32 PM In reply to

    Re: Getting the Report Designer to display "0"s in number fields



    Try {0:#0}

    I believe that should give you the results you are looking for.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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