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Odd Effect In Certain Screens

Last post 09-01-2009 4:26 PM by Anonymous. 2 replies.
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  • 09-01-2009 8:52 AM

    • Joe
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 08-17-2009
    • Posts 97

    Odd Effect In Certain Screens


    Just wanted to address 2 issues I have come across in the last couple days.

    1) Multi-Lined text boxes.

    Using the edit wizard, change the number of lines in a text field from 1 to a number such as 3. You should find that after publishing and viewing the screen than when the text box gains focus it grows in size. This is true to every time the text box loses and regains focus (it will continue to grow by what appears to be a set number of lines). Reloading the screen will set the textbox back to its original size, however selecting the textbox (giving it focus) again will cause the growing to begin again.

    2) Auto-Screens.

    I created a dropdown in a custom table. This dropdown was set to create its own table to store the values I entered via the wizard. Obviously the wizard auto-generated a table followed by auto-generating a grid-based screen for editing this table. When viewing the auto-generated screen, the grid is defaulting to not show any values (such as recordid, select, Column1). I don't have any trouble changing this, however the default is generally to show 'Select' and all user created columns.

    Thanks for your time =)


  • 09-01-2009 11:56 AM In reply to

    Re: Odd Effect In Certain Screens

     Hi Joe,

    Thanks for the post. I was able to replicate your multi-lined text boxes scenario and I've passed it on to our development team.  I'm looking into your 2nd question Re: grid columns as to whether it was created that way by design or if we need to make changes. I'll keep you posted as soon as I get some feedback.


  • 09-01-2009 4:26 PM In reply to

    Re: Odd Effect In Certain Screens

     Hi Joe,

    Just updating you on your 2nd point Re: grid columns, we have looked into this and thanks to your feedback this will be changed. You can expect this to be updated in your account end of this week - early next week.

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