Hi nick_warren,
This is straightforward enough. You need to use a group by clause. My examples are in C#and let's use MethodAPISelect_XML
Step 1. Get the salesorder recordids for the time frame of interest. Let's use Nov 21-27 2012.
Using MethodAPISelect_XML to write the results to a label....really how you parse the xml is up to you
lblMethodAPISelect_XML.Text = _MethodAPI.MethodAPISelect_XML(CompanyAccount, Login, Password, ref XMLToReturn, "SalesOrder", "RecordID", "TxnDate >'2012/Nov/21' and TxnDate < '2012/Nov/28'", "", "", "");
In my case there is only one record in that time frame
<MethodIntegration Table='SalesOrder'> <Record> <RecordID>7</RecordID> </Record> </MethodIntegration>
Step 2.
After you've gotten your SalesOrder recordids, use the group by clause to query SalesOrderLine...I've chosen to group by the item description
Once again writing the results to a label
lblMethodAPISelect_XML.Text = _MethodAPI.MethodAPISelect_XML(CompanyAccount, Login, Password, ref XMLToReturn, "SalesOrderLine", "Sum(amount), Desc", "SalesOrderRecordID in(7)", "Desc", "", "");
In my case this returns the folllowing xml
<MethodIntegration Table='SalesOrderLine'> <Record> <Column1>200.0000</Column1> <Desc>Product1</Desc> </Record> <Record> <Column1>100.0000</Column1> <Desc>Product</Desc> </Record> </MethodIntegration>
And there you have it.