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Transactions in edit customer screen

Last post 01-17-2013 8:55 AM by Method_Adam. 8 replies.
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  • 01-14-2013 11:12 AM

    Transactions in edit customer screen

    I would like the transactions in the edit customer screen to include and have an available filter of the following below. This info has to be for each specified/job/customer.

    Please advise if this is possible and point me to the right direction to have this available. Thank you.

                                       Labor Hrs      Net w/o tax     Net + tax

    Invoice $                          

    Received Payment $      

    Materials Purchased $

    Labor $ (by person)


  • 01-14-2013 11:49 AM In reply to

    Re: Transactions in edit customer screen


    Can you give a bit more detail?  Do you want this as a single grid in transactions?  Would these be totals for the customer?

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 01-14-2013 1:02 PM In reply to

    Re: Transactions in edit customer screen

    yes this would be part of the transactions grid with the columns and rows indicated above in addition to the exisiting columns already there the amounts would be each indivual transaction with a bottom total for all and when filtered by type. specifacally for each job.

  • 01-14-2013 1:23 PM In reply to

    Re: Transactions in edit customer screen

    Just wanted to add the Invoice, received payment, Labor, etc.. would be in the typ filter and the comlums to be added are the ones described above with a go to link on the left to view the transaction if needed.

  • 01-14-2013 2:04 PM In reply to

    Re: Transactions in edit customer screen


    Just so I understand....when you filter the grid, you'd filter by the job first, then the type of transaction?  Example: all invoices for Customer A: Job X, the grid would show a line for each invoice with Customer A: Job X?  Then total the amounts at the bottom.?

    What type of business would this be for?  This seems like it is possible.  The difficulty would be in getting all of the relevant information into one grid, as your invoice amounts would be from a different table than your labor amounts.  This would really all depend on where the information is being stored (ie. if you're using Time Tracking for labor hours).  Do you know where the information currently is in Method (which tables and fields you need)?  

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 01-14-2013 2:50 PM In reply to

    Re: Transactions in edit customer screen

    Since the transactions grid is in the editcustomer screen I think a filter by job will not be required because the transactions on the grid should already only pertain to that specific job. I already have the availability to see invoices and received payments in this grid but I have to add the other types labor hours for that job, Materials purchased for that job, subcontractor transactions. Then I have to add a column in addition to the invoice amount I already have that indicates what the amouint invoiced prior to adding taxes. We are a contracting company and this will help us track all transactions per job. We do use time tracking to prepare our time sheets so the labor hours should be accessible.

  • 01-16-2013 11:40 AM In reply to

    Re: Transactions in edit customer screen


    Sorry for the late reply.  I've been doing some testing to see if the fields you need can be added to the Transactions table.  It turns out the transactions table can't be modified as its a special table in Method.  You could create a new table and link fields from the tables you need (transaction table, time tracking, ...etc.) into the new table.  How would you be totalling the labor hours for each job?  The time tracking table will list the hours per employee, per activity.  Are these totalled somewhere on you system already or will they need to be totalled?

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 01-16-2013 12:34 PM In reply to

    Re: Transactions in edit customer screen

    They hours totaled are on the timesheets in Quickbooks. The calculated hrs with the pay rate per job is located in Quickbooks payroll. We use the timetracking in Method to create the timesheets, however, the actual timesheets and all payroll transactions are available to view only in Quickbooks currently. Below you can get an idea of what we need. I created this as a sample. We need a grid like this in the edit customer transaction screen with all the filtering capabilities and as close to something like this as possible that works for its purpose to access the information below in order to track our job costs, specifically by job.

    column1       column2        column 3                 column 4                     column 5                    column 6         column 7                               column 8                     column 9

    Go to           Type               Date                       Our Inv#                     Hrs. Worked/                Account         Our Inv Amt w/o Tax               Our Invoice w/ tax/      Balance for applicable

                                                                         Employee Name/             Vendor Name                                                                            Portion of payroll ck/

                                                                         Rec'd pymnt ck# /                                                                                                           received pymt amt/

                                                                         Vendor Inv#                                                                                                                    Vendor Inv Amount


    Go to      Invoice              01/16/13                   #123456                                                    A/R               123.00                                   230.62                                         456.00

    Go to      Rec'd pymnt       01/12/13                   #456                                                         A/R                                                            456.00                                       

    Go to      Payroll               01/14/13              John Smith                     8                               Payroll                                                       200.00

    Go to      Payroll               01/10/13              James Smith                   8                               Payroll                                                        250.00

    Go to     Vendor Bill        01/05/13                 #10009           James Smith Hardware               A/P                                                           1,675.00                                      400.00

  • 01-17-2013 8:55 AM In reply to

    Re: Transactions in edit customer screen



    After some research, Method cannot access payroll processing data in Quickbooks.  This is not a Method limitation, but an SDK limitation, as Intuit doesn't currently allow any third party app access to this data.

    Some of the other data located in other tables may be accessible through an SQL override, but this would be beyond the scope of what we can do over the forums.  For a project like this, I would recommend speaking to one of our customization consultants.  They are experts in customizing Method and would be better suited at scoping a project like this, knowing what challenges you may come across and how to move forward.  I can put you in contact with a consultant if you'd like.  More information on our consulting option can be found here.  You could also speak to a Method Solution Provider.  A list of our MSP's can be found here: Method Solution Provider

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
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