Hi Amanda.
This is a good work-around for creating the desired grouping on the visual level.
The reason though, that I was asking if it were possible to insert between two records on the table level, was to avoid needing that additional column. To conserve space I was grouping by record number (record:X to record:Y), and just putting all grouped records consecutive in the table.
When i have time i may go this route for a little challenge:
Even though you cannot change the record number directly, I could probably create a slightly complicated insertion screen that asks where the new record is to be input.
If the number given is greater than, or equal to, the max record number, add it to the end of the table.
If the number given is between 1 and the max record number, move all record data from the given record and below down one row. Then insert the new values at the specified record.
If the number given is less than 1, set the value to 1 and follow the previous step.
Due to how method works with table traversal, i imagine this would be a slooooow process.
But, I do believe i can do it. Not yet sure if its worth the time hehe =).
Let me know your thoughts :) .. even if you think it's a bad idea its nice to hear others' views hehe ;-),