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Syncing only with Active customers in quickbooks

Last post 10-30-2009 4:17 PM by Anonymous. 3 replies.
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  • 10-30-2009 1:38 PM

    Syncing only with Active customers in quickbooks

    Our Method syncs with our Quickbooks customer list, we would like our active customers in QB to be sent to proper dropdown list in Method based on their customer type, the inactive customers we would like to be sent to a dropdown list named "Inactive".  How do we achieve this?


  • 10-30-2009 2:11 PM In reply to

    • Joe
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 08-17-2009
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    Re: Syncing only with Active customers in quickbooks

    Hi loveheals.

    "..we would like our active customers in QB to be sent to proper dropdown list.."

    I would suggest the following steps if you are referring to a dropdown and not a grid:

    1. Go to the screen editor (Tab:Customize -> Click Edit on Screen your dropdown is on).

    2. Go to the dropdown on your screen editor (or place it on screen if you have not yet done so).

    3. Click [Edit] on the dropdown to bring up the Dropdown Edit Wizard.

    4. Click next until you can choose which table/field the dropdown is to be based off of.

    5. Choose the customer table.

    6. Select the appropriate field for the dropdown (generally the FullName field when listing customers).

    7. Hit next until you find the page to set a filter on the dropdown.

    8. Set the filter on Field: CustomerType. (should say CustomerType or Type).

    9. Set the filter to be where CustomerType is Equal To yourTypeToShowInDropdown.

    This will set the dropdown to show the list of FullNames from table Customer where CustomerType is equal to the value you specified.

    "...inactive customers we would like to be sent to a dropdown list named "Inactive"..."

    The same set of steps can be done here only the filter would be on field IsActive where IsActive is Equal to False.

    If by chance you were referring to a grid..

    1. Use the screen editor to place a grid on the screen (if one is not already there).

    2. Click edit on the grid and choose what table the grid is to be based off of.

    3. Choose which columns to display.

    4. Once again insert the appropriate filter based off fields CustomerType or IsActive.

    You may wish to note that the customer list has a grid that shows all customers but you can click the "All Customers" filter when on the screen and choose one of the other filters to display. If you wish to change the default filter you will have to use the "Filters" page in the grid edit wizard where filters are added / deleted / edited.


    A few notes:

    1. Fields cannot be saved unless they come from a table.

    2. Dropdown fields from a table cannot save the selected value unless it exists in the table the dropdown was originally based off  of when created in the table.

    3. Determine if your needs require a dropdown, or if a grid would make more sense for you.


    Let me know if this was helpful.

    Just a fellow end-user / developer =),


  • 10-30-2009 2:34 PM In reply to

    • Joe
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 08-17-2009
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    Re: Syncing only with Active customers in quickbooks

    In regards to wanting to set up your own types:

    The Type field is really the CustomerType and is based off the CustomerType table, editable on screen: 'Customer Type'.

    If want more types to be available than what is already there, you will need to view the screen -> Customer Type.

    Here you can add more types ... when you do this, the "Type" dropdown field on the customer list will also display your additions to the list.


  • 10-30-2009 4:17 PM In reply to

    Re: Syncing only with Active customers in quickbooks

    Hey Everyone,

    Joe - Tthanks for jumping on this. You almost had it, I just happen to be the one that built the customized screen so I know what he’s talking about.


    You may wish to note that the customer list has a grid that shows all customers but you can click the "All Customers" filter when on the screen and choose one of the other filters to display. If you wish to change the default filter you will have to use the "Filters" page in the grid edit wizard where filters are added / deleted / edited.

    This is what Bryan needs to look into, adding another filter view that is filtering based on the “isactive” checkbox.


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