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Updating data from screen modification to table

Last post 03-27-2013 4:03 PM by Method_Jason. 1 replies.
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  • 03-27-2013 2:52 PM

    • keita
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 03-27-2013
    • Posts 6

    Updating data from screen modification to table

    I changed a screen within the new lead and customer tab to reflect two separate field phone entries (phone cell and phone home) when entering data.  The fields and screens have been updated and they show as I expected

    However, when I go to the edit screen for each lead or customer the original fields show on that page because I did not change the edit screens.  How do I get the information in the customer and lead table to flow into those fields? During original entries phone numbers were entered into various fields, alternate contact, alternate phone.

  • 03-27-2013 4:03 PM In reply to

    Re: Updating data from screen modification to table


    Hi keita, 

    Make sure that on your CRM_NewLead screen (or CRM_NewCustomeryou dragged your field from the Add Fields section and not the Add Objects section. The Add Fields section will link the field on the screen to the field in the Customer table. The Add Objects section will simply place a blank field on the screen. In my screenshot below I dragged the Alt Contact field onto the screen editor. Let me know if this helps. 

    I also recommend checking out our Customization webinars by clicking here. Specifically, the first two videos called Getting Started With Tables and Fields and Introduction to the Customization Screen in the Customization section will teach you about fields and tables. 

    - Jason

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