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Phone fields

Last post 03-29-2013 1:08 PM by Method_Ashur. 5 replies.
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  • 03-28-2013 12:05 PM

    • keita
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Phone fields

    I created new fields, Phone 1, Phone 2, and Phone 3 for leads and customers and edits for both.  Because phone numbers were previously entered in the phone or altphone fields they will not flow over into the new fields phone1,2, and 3 that I created.  When I go to tables to edit/remove original phone and altphone field it appears that those are Method's default fields and cannot be removed.  Is there a way to alleviate this problem, getting this screen: 


    Error Setting Active Record ID. Could not find the following fields: 'Phone3'. 'Phone2'. 'Phone1'.. You may have to perform one of the following.  1. Edit this screen and delete the field(s) from the screen as they are no  longer in the table this screen represents. 2. Edit the table this screen is based from and verify the field(s) exist.

  • 03-28-2013 3:43 PM In reply to

    Re: Phone fields

    Hey keita,

    Can you confirm whether these fields were created on your screens or in the Customer table? If it was created in the table what do you mean when you say "they will not flow over into the new fields"?

    From the error message you posted it seems as though those fields were created on the screen itself an not in the table, or they were created in the table and set as required fields, and since there's no data in the field you're receiving the error. When does this error display? When you try accessing a Customer record?

    - Ashur

    Need more help? Ask us about Method consulting services

    Ashur Shamon
    Lead Solutions Specialist, Professional Services
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
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  • 03-28-2013 4:04 PM In reply to

    • keita
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Re: Phone fields

    Yes, the error displays when attempting to access a customer record - edit. 

    -These new fields were created on the screen and in the table.  The new customer table field names added are Phone 1, phone 2, and phone 3 with no required fields. 

     -On the screen the names are Phone (o), Phone (c), Phone (h).  Data was originally entered in new customer list as Phone and AltPhone fields.  The error is showing on the customer edit screen after a name is selected.  Old data entered is not transferring to new fields; Phone (o),(c), or (h).  We want to have 3 different lines for various phone numbers. 

    -Your system has defaulted field names e.g. phone, altphone which cannot be deleted.

    -If I build my own tables the existing data input will only transfer to the new fields that are an exact match from the old fields. Thus I would have to build a new table for each screen that would retrieve three phone number lines.

  • 03-29-2013 9:21 AM In reply to

    Re: Phone fields


    understand now, thanks for elaborating. To clarify, the Phone and AltPhone fields are stock QuickBooks fields which is why they cannot be deleted. Why don't you just create two custom fields in QuickBooks when editing one of your customer records, name them Phone 2 and Phone 3. Make sure to put a checkmark in the 'Cust' column so they are added to the Customer table, and select Any text under the 'What kind of data?' column.

    When you perform a Full Sync those fields will come over to Method where you'll be able to utilize them on screens and have the data sync between QuickBooks and Method. Edit your screen, drag the new fields on the screen, then position them where you like, and change the Caption names of the three Phone fields to make them display as needed, i.e. Phone (h), Phone (o), Phone (c).

    You don't need to build a table for each screen, you can build more screens based off the customer table, or alternatively use the Retrieve Value from Table action and use the action result to populate into the appropriate fields on the screen.

    In regard to the error being displayed, it has something to do with your Set Active Record ID for Screen action. It would be very helpful to have a screenshot of the message. If you can't upload it to a image upload/sharing site then email it to me.

    - Ashur

    Need more help? Ask us about Method consulting services

    Ashur Shamon
    Lead Solutions Specialist, Professional Services
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400
    Fax: 416.640.6027
  • 03-29-2013 9:38 AM In reply to

    • keita
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Re: Phone fields



    Wow - the steps are very clear now.  I have administrator rights for all except Q-books, which my manager maintains.  That was missing component.  Where do I find retrieve value from table and other action buttons.

  • 03-29-2013 1:08 PM In reply to

    Re: Phone fields


    Glad I was able to help! Smile

    You'll need to edit your screen, probably the Customer screen in this case, then just add a Button object to the screen or edit the first Save button and include the new actions. In order to edit a screen go to the Customize tab > click the Screens tab link > then click on the name of the screen you want to edit, i.e. CRM_EditCustomer(2). If you don't have any copied screens yet you can copy a screen by hovering your mouse over the name then click the Copy button to the left of it. *Note: You'll know which screens are copies by finding their names are bolded.

    I would strongly suggest you watch our Customization Webinars (near the bottom of the screen) before going ahead with this change. You should also check out the Customization section of our Help Center, especially the Action and Object reference articles. Additionally, if you don't feel comfortable doing this yourself, or require someones asstance, you can always speak with one of our in-house Consultants or some Method Solution Providers.

    Let me know if you are insterested in speaking with a Consultant so I can get the ball rolling.

    - Ashur

    Need more help? Ask us about Method consulting services

    Ashur Shamon
    Lead Solutions Specialist, Professional Services
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400
    Fax: 416.640.6027
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