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Capture Case E-Mail Traffic?

Last post 04-29-2013 5:05 PM by Matt. 4 replies.
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  • 04-26-2013 4:42 PM

    • jdcard
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    Capture Case E-Mail Traffic?

    We have been using another web-based CRM product that provides a way to capture all e-mail traffic associated with a support case. When the system sends any e-mail to a client regarding a case record the e-mail message has a reply-to address that automatically routes back through the provider's system to capture the content of the e-mail message before forwarding the e-mail message on to the assigned user.

    This allows essentially all the back-and-forth exchange in handling support cases to be conducted via e-mail. We cannot rely on our clients to search for a link in the e-mail message they receive as confirmation of the case being opened, and more than a few of them have organizational security policies restricting them from opening links in e-mail messages. Our clients are accustomed to using e-mail for support and are resistant to having to figure out how to use yet another web-based system.

    Is there any way to configure Method CRM to provide this functionality?

  • 04-29-2013 9:22 AM In reply to

    Re: Capture Case E-Mail Traffic?


    Hi jdcard,

    For Method, you would use Cases to keep track of your support cases.  With the addition of either the Gmail Gadget or the Outlook Plugin, it will allow you to log incoming emails and respond to those emails through the plugin/gadget by updating the case notes in Method.  It can either update or create a new case.  

    Regardless of whether you wish to have your Method users use the gadget or plugin, the case notications are sent using the Method user's email address.  This will allow your customers to reply directly to the support person if they wish.  The support person can then log the email response in Method or use the gadget or plugin.  In that case notification, there is also a link to the Method portal where customers can respond directly in the case notes if they wish.

    This is the stock functionality (with the exception of the gadget or plugin) so no additional configuration is needed.  To get a better understanding of this, you can view our Webinars. Look for the Cases and Solutions webinar.  

    Hope this helps.

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 04-29-2013 9:49 AM In reply to

    • jdcard
    • Not Ranked
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    Re: Capture Case E-Mail Traffic?

    Thanks for your response. So the short answer is "No, Method CRM cannot be configured to operate in the manner described."

    We're trying to decide what modifications will be required to our case-handling procedures to work around this limitation. The Outlook plug-in may help, but, at best, it will require more time and effort from our case-handlers.


  • 04-29-2013 10:41 AM In reply to

    Re: Capture Case E-Mail Traffic?


    I would say we are pretty close, with the exception being that we don't automatically capture the customer's email reply and update the case notes. This would be done by the case handler by either Method, the gadget or plugin.  Your customers shouldn't notice much, if any change in what they do currently.  

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 04-29-2013 5:05 PM In reply to

    • Matt
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Capture Case E-Mail Traffic?



    I have done a couple of projects that involve checking a dedicated email account for new message and then updating Method based on the contents using Methods API. One project let a user send texts via email to their employees and have their employess text back confirmation of scheduling (to an email address instead of a standard text number). The other project involved taking invoming invoices that were received via email and creating and invoice in Method for a reseller type of situation.

    If it is critical that the customer's responses get added to the case without any interaction on the case handlers part, that could be accomplished using the API in a similar fashion. Please let me know if you'd like to discuss this option further.

    Matt Raiser



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