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Importing contacts

Last post 05-29-2013 2:45 PM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 05-29-2013 11:28 AM

    • kvtbrc
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 05-29-2013
    • Posts 1

    Importing contacts


    I was watching the video tutorial on how to import contacts, and I was wondering if there was any way to customize the fields when importing a CSV. Do we absolutely have to use the ones given by Method (such as "FirstName") and those ones only?

    For example, we would like a header to read "Job Title," but there is no existing field. Maybe I am missing something obvious? 

    Thanks for the help,


  • 05-29-2013 2:45 PM In reply to

    Re: Importing contacts


    Hi Kat,

    Yes, you are able to import custom fields. During the import process, you can specify to create a new field for a specific column. For example, if in the import file you have a header called ‘ContactRegion’, then during the import process, the import tool will allow you to create a new a field for ‘ContactRegion’. 

    However, in terms of ‘Job Title’, the Contact table already contains a field named 'Title' which is used for the same purpose.

    Furthermore, a brief summary of the standard import process can be found here.

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