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QuickBooks Scheduled Reports for Portal Users

Last post 05-30-2013 1:09 PM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 05-30-2013 9:01 AM

    • k.woods
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 09-21-2011
    • Central Florida
    • Posts 2

    QuickBooks Scheduled Reports for Portal Users

    Can portal users be assigned QuickBooks Scheduled Reports? Can portal users view QuickBooks Scheduled Reports in their portal?

    Kevin L Woods CMA, CFM, CTP, MBA, Ph.D. ABD
  • 05-30-2013 1:09 PM In reply to

    Re: QuickBooks Scheduled Reports for Portal Users


    Hi Kevin,

    Yes, through customization, portal users can preview shared QuickBooks Scheduled Reports within portal. 

    With regards to assigning reports, portal users cannot be assigned reports; only Method users can be assigned reports. However, as a workaround, you can assign a contact to a user and with some additional logic on the portal page, reports can be filtered accordingly. 

    I highly recommend performing heavy testing on portal if you intend to modify portal screens. 

    If you need more assistance implementing this, I can put you in touch with a paid in-house consultant or you could look into our Method Solution Providers.

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