I'm updating this post for anyone who might be installing Method in a muliple user environment. Contrary to some of the advice being given about the Synch Engine install, I think very good performance can be had by consolidating your synching activitiy to one server or even one PC client in your environment.
I have Quickbooks Enterprise V10 and the Method Synch Engine installed on a Windows 2003 Server. Win 2003 server will support up to two Remote Desktop or also called Terminal Server sessions on the Server. We use one session to keep a QB Session open under user Method and one session of the Method Synch Engine also configured to connect to Quickbooks with the QB Method Account. The Method Synch Engine can use any Admin enabled account to Synch to the Method Company Database, I believe.
We used several local PC clients and remote clients to connect to QB and the Method website, and the one Method Synch Engine keeps everything in synchronized in real time.
The real time synch is also called "Method PUSH" and you'll see this in your Method Synch engine control panel.
Although I have not been able to get the Method business consultants to verify this configuration, my local Method consultant recommended this installion confirming my initial hunch about proper configuration and the Method Welcome Tab says a few things about the Method PUSH service which I believe confirms it's intended installation as a single instance process for keeping all clients synched to the QB database.
Copied from the Method Welcome Screen.
Method PushTM should make you say WOW!
It is the technology that syncs your QuickBooks with your Method in
real time. Changes made in QuickBooks will instantly show in Method,
and vice-versa! To ensure this is enabled, make sure QuickBooks is open
to the correct company file on the main computer, and that the
Method Integration Engine is running and connected on that computer.
The best part is: the computer(s) you use Method on, and the computer(s)
you use QuickBooks on can be totally different machines. Any Method user can make changes to your QuickBooks from wherever they are, anywhere in the world, in real time!
I think this has some really good implications for installing method in a QB hosted environment. As long as the QB host using MSoft Terminal Services or Citrix Metaframe keeps one paired session of a QB Client and Method Synch Engine open on the server, you should be able to provide synchronized QB and Method instances to all your remote clients, whether web browser only, or Remote Desktop session served by Win Terminal Services or Citrix.
I am thinking there are going to be performance advantages having the Method Synch Engine so close to the QB Database file and keeping the QB session used for synching isolated as a "synch only" session. When doing large imports, and leaving the Method PUSH running, the QB session becomes useless as it shadows the Synch engine changes. My guess is that attempting to spread this out amongst more clients hitting the same QB database is not a good strategy.
I hope this helps anyone considering installation of Method for hosted QB environments. This is not verified or sanctioned advice, but I have tested several scenario's against this configuration and it is holding up well. I am recommending Method to some other small business owners who have hosted QB environments and I want to make sure this will work for them.
Please share your experiences.