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Custom field populating in one screen but not another

Last post 06-21-2013 10:00 AM by Method_Samuel. 1 replies.
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  • 06-20-2013 4:20 PM

    Custom field populating in one screen but not another

    I have a custom field called "SIC Description" that is attached to Leads and Customers.  The information we have entered for that field populates in the "Edit Lead" screen and the view Lead screen, however when we are on the "Leads and Contact List" tab link under the Leads Tab, this custom field does not populate the same information or any information for that matter.  How do i get this custom field to populate on the "Leads and Contact List" tab link?

  • 06-21-2013 10:00 AM In reply to

    Re: Custom field populating in one screen but not another


    Hi David,

    If you would like your custom field "SIC Description" to appear on Leads and Contacts screen we must first determine if it was added to the Contacts table. 

    Customizing the Contacts Table

    Go to Customize -> Tables / Fields -> and click on the Contacts table. Please check and see if "SIC Description" is one of the listed fields. If it isn't, you must select Add a Linked Field. The drop down menu that appears will allow you to select the Customers table and select the "SIC Description" field to add to the table.

    Once you have added the linked field to the Contacts table, click Finished Editing Fields, then you can follow the following steps to add it to have it appear on the Leads and Contacts tab link.

    Customizing CRM_LeadList Screen

    1) You must first make copy of the CRM_LeadList screen. Go to Customize -> Screens -> Find CRM_LeadList and click the copy button (since you cannot edit the original Method CRM Screens). At the end of the copy wizard you must select whether or not you would like this new screen to appear everywhere the orginal CRM_LeadList was linked. Otherwise, you can choose Add a Tab Link to create a new link for the new screen.

    2) The new screen should now appear in the Screens List. If you click Edit the Screen Designer will open. From here you must find the Contacts grid and click Edit.

    3) In the Grid Wizard on Step 2, you can now add the column with your desired field. Look for "SIC Description" in the list of fields, and click add column. When you are finished adjusting size etc.. click Finish.

    (Additional information about editing grids.)

    4) Click Publish and go back to the Leads and Contacts list to see the update.

    If you need additional help customizing Method, you should get in touch with our consulting team.


    Need more help? Ask us about Method consulting services

    Sam Novak
    Customization Solutions Expert
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
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