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Report Designer questions

Last post 08-01-2013 9:15 AM by Method_Jason. 1 replies.
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  • 07-30-2013 10:29 PM

    Report Designer questions

    Hi all,

    I'm working on a report in Report Designer to print statement charges by customer for a specified time period.  Have a few questions:

    1)  I'd like to skip an entire customer and not print that page if there is no activity in the time period.  I have been able to suppress printing of the headers in the GroupHeader section for the detail, but even though I have suppressed printing of the Detail section above the DetailReport, it is still printing that section.  Is there a way to write a conditional statement - If no detail, do not print Detail Section?

    2)  Below the list of statement charges, customer wants to see a recap of charges totalled by Item.  I've looked at a Pivot Grid, but I can not figure out exactly how to use it.  Does anyone have another suggestion for how to show this section?  Currently in the Detail Report section I am showing Date, Amount and Item Description.  Then I have another DetailReport for Payments received.  Then I have a Group Footer section where I am trying to do this recap of charges.  How can I filter by item for this recap?

    3)  I want the client to be able to put in the date range that they want to run this report for when they generate it from Method.  I found a post on using parameters with a report, but I'm not sure how to use this properly.  If I have them put in from & to dates on the screen where they will then click a button to generate the report, is there a way for the report designer to grab the dates picked in these fields and enter them in the parameters in the report designer?

    Thanks for any help & suggestions! :)

    Karen Dellaripa

  • 08-01-2013 9:15 AM In reply to

    Re: Report Designer questions


    Hi Karen, 

    Is there a way to write a conditional statement - If no detail, do not print Detail Section?

    I believe what you're looking for is in the Generate Report action, not the Report Designer. See below:

    How can I filter by item for this recap?

    Try to create a field to hold these values in Method. You can calculate the field in Method, possibly right before you generate the report. 

    If I have them put in from & to dates on the screen where they will then click a button to generate the report, is there a way for the report designer to grab the dates picked in these fields and enter them in the parameters in the report designer?

    If you look at the stock Home Dashboard screen, you'll see that these reports/charts can be filtered by parameters shown on the screen. It might help to reverse engineer these reports to see how it is done. Again, you'll be able to filter your report based on parameters on the screen right in the Generate Report action in Method. 

    Hope this helps! Let me know if you're still stuck. 


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