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Dropdown in Grid

Last post 08-01-2013 10:07 AM by Anonymous. 3 replies.
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  • 07-31-2013 2:18 PM

    Dropdown in Grid

    So after making a grid editable, I am trying to make the SalesRep a dropdown. I was able to get the dropdown to show up in the grid with all the Sales Reps initial but if a Sales Rep has already been assigned to a contact, it is not showing up. How do I get the dropdown to automatically populate the current Sales Rep?

    Kurt Turner
  • 07-31-2013 4:56 PM In reply to

    Re: Dropdown in Grid

    Hi Kurt,

    It would help if we can get a little more information on this.  Are you working off a stock screen, if so which, CRM_CustomerList?  If you are working off a new custom screen, what table  are you basing this screen off, contacts?  With these additional details, maybe even a screen shot of your current screen, I could be able to offer you some suggestions.



  • 07-31-2013 5:12 PM In reply to

    Re: Dropdown in Grid

    Hi Ben,

    Yes I am using the stock screen of CRM_CustomerList. I have made a copy of it to make edits but it is still the original screen. I have since deleted what I have done because it is not in working conditions at this point and dont want my employees using it until I have the dropdowns working properly. Since the CRM_CustomerList is attached to the table "Contacts" I tried to create a field as a dropdrown with reference to the "SalesRep" in the "Contacts" table, but I know now that it wont work that was as that is not tied to the actual customer information. I just dont know how to link it to the customer information. I see there is a "SalesRep" dropdown field in the "Entity" but I am not sure how to pull that into the grid since the "Entity" table is not attached to that screen.

    Am I making sense or just blabbing on?

    I am sorry, I am still new at this. If there is another forum or webinar that you suggest, please let me know because I couldnt find anything. I have watch 4 or 5 webinars already.

    Thanks for the help


    Kurt Turner
  • 08-01-2013 10:07 AM In reply to

    Re: Dropdown in Grid


    Hi Kurt,

    First of all, you are making perfect sense.  Secondly, you are in the correct place for your question, we ask that you do a search on the forums and view our documentation, including the Webinars and if you still can't find the answer you are looking for, then create a forum thread.  The benefit now, is that if someone down the road using Method had the same question, your thread will be here for them to find.

    You logic is sound, my suggestion would be to build a new screen based off the Customer table (this will give you the Dropdown for the Sales Rep, after allowing the grid to be editable), and mimic the original CustomerList Screen as much as you want, if you log in as two different users with full permissions at the same time, you can compare the two screens.  Hopefully this will help you get going with the setup you are looking for.  If you have any further question based off this information, just ask and we will try to offer more suggestions.  Note, you could also base your new screen off the Entity table (as you saw, it holds these values as well), however it would give a list of everyone in your databse, not just your contacts.


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