Hi there - welcome to our forums!
If you don't already have a field to hold PO numner, the first step would be to add a custom field to the Activity table which is the table work orders are based on. Once that's done, you can edit the particular screen (i.e. AddEditWorkOrder) to add your new field. so it is ready to be used on the screen.
In most cases, work orders are converted to invoices using the Create Invoices screen. This is a pop up screen that displays just prior to the invoice being created. Follow the steps below to customize.
1. Edit the proper screen
- QB Online users "SchedInv_CreateInvoices"
- QB Desktop users "FieldService_CreateInvoices"
2. Edit the "Create Invoice…" button
3. Proceed to step 2 and find the Insert Record Into Table action that creates the invoice
4. Modify the action so that it updates the PO field using the value from the work order
Hope this helps.
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Valbon Shabani
Director of Education
Method Integration Inc.
Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238 ext. 715
Local and overseas: 416.847.0400 ext. 715
Fax: 416.640.6027
E-mail: valbon@method.me
Website: http://www.linkedin.com/in/valbon