Hey Jason,
Thanks so much for showing me how and where to do the scripts! I have one little wrinkle to this and I don't know how to write that part - I really need a two part script - The button that I am trying to write actions for does the following:
1 Start Loop through Customer Table
2 Retrieve "Amount" from Charge Table where Customer_RecordID = value from row RecordID, retrieve sum if multiple results, and place value in action result.
3 Update TotalStmtCharges field in Customer table with action result value from #2, where the RecordID = value from row RecordID.
4 End Loop through table.
The above is what it is doing now - and this is returning totals for each customer for ALL statement charges to date. So this is working fine for what it is doing, but in addition to retrieving the amount by customer, I need it to only retrieve amounts where the transaction date is between two dates (user entered, eventually). That is where I have to bring in the advanced script. So in the script in addition to the date filter that you have shown me above, I also need it to say where the Customer_RecordID = RecordID in the row of the customer table. How do I add that part in to the advanced script?
PS - can't wait to see how to get it to work with user inputted values! :)
PPS You are awesome! :)