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Setting a currency format in a script

Last post 02-16-2015 11:04 AM by Method_Justin. 1 replies.
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  • 02-15-2015 12:50 AM

    Setting a currency format in a script

    Hey all,

    I'm using a script to create a list of fields, based on checkboxes beside them. If the checkbox is checked, the corresponding price will be listed. I am using the following script example for each line:

    + Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.IIf(GetCurrentColumnValue("IncludeEssentialsQuote")= -1 ,sNewLine + GetCurrentColumnValue("BasicPriceQuote").ToString(),"") _

    As the field that is being entered is an interger, I have to convert it to a string (with .ToString). Now, my problem is I need the price displayed in a currency format, not a text or interger format.

    I've spent the last 4 hours and dozens of different ways trying to get this to work, but nothing seems to do the trick. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!


  • 02-16-2015 11:04 AM In reply to

    Re: Setting a currency format in a script


    Hi GroGeren,

    Take a look at this forum threadDoes that help?

    Let me know.

    - Justin

    Justin Henderiks
    Technical Sales Specialist
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400
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