Good Morning Maureen
I was looking at your second post and here is how I would tackle your problem. I am going to assume your using classic
1. Insert a new field in employee table and call it WOName also called work order name. This way you dont use the person full name just their nick name.
2. Insert a drop down field from in the activity table linked to employee table at your new nick name field. Name each field in activity Worker1, Worker2, Worker3, Worker4, Worker5.
3. I am all about detail so I would take this to the job items level as well. Insert a drop down field from the employee table nick name field in ActivityJobItems. Again make up 5 fields and name them worker1, etc.
4. Insert a new field in activity called Activity Assigend Workers or somthing along that line.
5. Insert a new field in JobItemActivity called Job Items Assigend workes or somthing along those line.
5a. insert a new field in JobItemActivity and call that Active and make that a yes/no field.
6. In the screen you create WO's with, create a button and mark it not showing. This button takes all the workers1, workers2 in the screen and combines them seperated by a comma and inserts this into the Activity Assigend Workers field. Then it takes all the workers in the job items field, combines them, and puts that in the Job Item Assigned field.
7. Go into the last line in the save button and insert a call another action and point that to your new button.
8. Create a grid off activity table filter the field ActivityAssignedWorkers field. Now you can insert any name, John, ben, Maureen, and any work order that is active will show up.
9. I would create another grid and base that off the ActivityJobItem table and filter that off your new you created JobItesmAssigend. Now you can insert any name to filter but at this level you could see what job still needs to be done and at what job site. You could base that off the Active field yes/no field too to give you a status if this job is done or not.
Thats just me. This could be a very compulated way of doing this, I tend to do that! sorry!
Hope this helps.
John M