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Dropdown lists that filter the other list.

Last post 08-30-2010 8:47 AM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 08-29-2010 7:07 AM

    Dropdown lists that filter the other list.

    I am looking for a way to create a dropdown fields that are linked and related based on the prior selection.  For example:  Let's say I choose a dropdown field that has a list of 10 different Manufactures of cars. (i.e.: GM, Ford, Chevrolet, Buick, VW, BMW, Saturn, and etc.)  Based on which Manufacture I select I would like to then pick the associated model of Ford( i.e.  F150, Tuarus, Mustang, Ranger, Windstar, and etc.)  All of these Models are associated only with Ford vechicles.  Is there a way to do this?  I am creating this in the Field Services section under Customer Equipment. Manufactures and Models are my custom fields/tables that I have created.  Yes I am a newbie, but I am picking up this stuff very fast.  Thanks for your help!!


  • 08-30-2010 8:47 AM In reply to

    Re: Dropdown lists that filter the other list.

     Hey Glenn,

    It's great to hear that you are picking up Method Quickly, make sure to check out our webinars if you get stuck on anything.

    As for your question;

    We currently are unable to filter a dropdown based off another dropdown, but this is coming very shortly. This feature is currently in the shop and we are just fine tuning it. It should be available to our users very shortly. When it is available, it will work like this;

    You would start off by creating a shared result with your first dropdown, then filter the second dropdown by the shared result you created. Again, this feature is not available yet, but it's coming.



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