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"Force" Save or Action when switching customer records

Last post 08-30-2010 2:55 PM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 08-27-2010 9:22 AM

    "Force" Save or Action when switching customer records


    I've noticed the ease in which one may update a customer record, forget to save, and simply switch to another record. All changes are lost without warning. I was hoping to fix this issue before my users decided to jump into Method, but it's too late now. I have created a pop-up message that appears on load to remind my users to save. The message tells them that they can use "enter" to save. It would be really helpful to be able to change the font of this warning message (it's quite small and meek, not much of a warning), but it gives me some relief to know there is a reminder.

    I would like the act of exiting a customer record as much of a pain as it is to exit the "customize screen" module. You cannot get out if it unless you choose a command, which invariably means publishing or saving. You can't just hit "escape" or log out. It won't go away. How do I accomplish this with the records in the Customer list? I want to force our users to hit a button, "save" / "clear and new"  "save and close".


  • 08-30-2010 2:55 PM In reply to

    Re: "Force" Save or Action when switching customer records


     Hi Shelley,

    You are on the right track with adding pop up messages as a warning to the user. Take advantage of the options within the 'Show Message' action, for instance you can have a message 'Did you save your data?' if the user clicks 'Cancel' then they cannot proceed further and they can save their data then move on.

    There is no short cut way to achieve what you are looking to do, I can only suggest that you add 'Show Message' to 'Select' links and any button on screens that might navigate you away from the screen. Since Method is a web based application and is within a browser, we cannot control when users close out of the window or prompt them before logging out.

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