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Address being displayed

Last post 09-15-2010 4:01 PM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 09-15-2010 8:19 AM

    Address being displayed

    Linda emailed in with the following:

    We just signed up for your service and I have been trying to use the Blog for an answer but have been unable to find a suitable answer.

    When the address is imported from Quickbooks. We have the ability in QB to load four lines of address plus city, state zip and country.

    On the Customer Information screen in Method in the Bill To fields, it imports the name of the company as one line, contact as another and crams the rest into the third with the city/province in city.

    Also the address line has a limited length. The screen looks funny because there are two lines of address with a gap then a third. Is there a fix for this. I am having to rekey the addresses

    into the screen and leave off information which is crucial. We are American operating in the Philippines and need four lines of address. What is the fix for this issue? What is the purpose of the space between the second and third lines. It almost appears to be a bug. I have attached a copy of the customer information screen for your benefit. I fixed this address but as you can see we need more space. QB looks fine.

    Please let us know what we can do!


    Linda Ford

  • 09-15-2010 4:01 PM In reply to

    Re: Address being displayed

    Hey Linda,

    On the default Customer List screen, Method is only showing 3 Bill Address lines, we do have a 4th one that is just not on the screen by default. If you want to add this field to the screen, make a copy of the screen and you will be able to drag that field onto it. I also looked into the max characters that can be entered into QB's Address lines. each line can only take 41 characters, this is the same setting that Method uses. We can extend this field in Method past 41 characters, but you would lose that information when Method syncs with QB.

    I do see the blank space you are talking about and I will look into why the screen is being displayed like this.

    I don’t understand why you are having to rekey address's, the tabbing on this screen works fine even with the blank space. What about this blank space is causing you to make errors and rekey things?


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