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Connecting Opportunity Value to an estimate value

Last post 09-20-2017 9:37 AM by Method_Ben. 1 replies.
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  • 09-19-2017 4:37 PM

    • Timm
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 06-30-2016
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    Connecting Opportunity Value to an estimate value


    I have already customized most of Method Classic myself to our workflow. The last thing is to somehow make the opportunity value match a "default" or selected estimate. Some opportunities may have multiple estimates and the current opportunity value need to be modified as new estimates are created then attached. I know there may be several ways to do this, but the easiest would be for the most recent estimate that is created and then "attached" to an opportunity-- would override the current opportunity value.  Part #2 would be adding an additional column under opportunities-->estimate tab, with a checkbox to show which estimate is the "Current" estimate" for the given opportunity, if a different estimate is selected-- it would alter the vopportunity alue as well.  Any help?

  • 09-20-2017 9:37 AM In reply to

    Re: Connecting Opportunity Value to an estimate value

    Hi there Timm,

    Thanks for posting!

    Just so we are on the same page - let me try to summarize here to make sure ive got it. You're trying to update details (Amount / address etc...) on an Opportunity  based on details contained within the Most recent Estimate attached to this Opportunity, Correct?

    Part 1 should be fairly straight forward. Updating the Opportunity from the estimate would be as simple as throwing in a button (or adding the actions to the exsting Save button) on screen which updates the selected Fields in your opportunity, based on a related field on the Estimate, where the Opportunity RecordID = The RecordID of the opportunity dropdown on the Estimate screen. Something like the screenshot below (Taken from the Estimate screen);

    Let me know if this was the kind of thing you were looking to do, or If i've missed the mark here.

    Thank Timm!


    Ben Hargreaves
    Senior Support Specialist
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