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how to increase Maximum limit of 100 records?

Last post 06-26-2024 1:16 PM by Method_Inderdeep. 8 replies.
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  • 05-22-2024 9:14 AM

    how to increase Maximum limit of 100 records?

    Hello Support ,


    We are retrieving records fine when limited to Top 10.

    I changed the 10 to 100 and we get 401 unauthorized , can you please advise how we can increase the limit on both Top and skip without being blocked.


    From documentation it says ……. The default value of top is 10 and the maximum allowed value of top is 100. i.e Maximum of 100 records can be requested in a single request, use the nextLink to get the next 100 records.


    We changed the 10 to 100 and we get 401 unauthorized , can you please advise how we can increase the limit to 100 and to get next hundred also add 100 in skip

    We are using Postman to test.

    I want to get more than 100 records in single request. let me know the solutions.

  • 06-03-2024 4:34 PM In reply to

    Re: how to increase Maximum limit of 100 records?

    it's urgent I need answer for my questions.  please reply me. 

    Hello Support ,


    We are retrieving records fine when limited to Top 10.

    I changed the 10 to 100 and we get 401 unauthorized , can you please advise how we can increase the limit on both Top and skip without being blocked.


    From documentation it says ……. The default value of top is 10 and the maximum allowed value of top is 100. i.e Maximum of 100 records can be requested in a single request, use the nextLink to get the next 100 records.


    We changed the 10 to 100 and we get 401 unauthorized , can you please advise how we can increase the limit to 100 and to get next hundred also add 100 in skip

    We are using Postman to test.

    I want to get more than 100 records in single request. let me know the solutions.

  • 06-03-2024 11:08 PM In reply to

    Re: how to increase Maximum limit of 100 records?

    Hi athakur,

    Apologies for getting back to you late. I tested this on my account and can confirm that you should be ablw to retrieve 100 records. 

    Could you please let me know what table are you using in your request? Also, if you can share a little bit more detail about your request, I will be able to point you in the right direction.

    So your postman request will help me to look into this futher for you. 

  • 06-03-2024 11:09 PM In reply to

    Re: how to increase Maximum limit of 100 records?

    I am using Salesorderline  table

  • 06-03-2024 11:10 PM In reply to

    Re: how to increase Maximum limit of 100 records?

    and SalesOrder as well 

  • 06-04-2024 12:24 AM In reply to

    Re: how to increase Maximum limit of 100 records?

    "I'm using Azure Data Factory to fetch records. How do I ensure each request retrieves distinct (unique) records? For example, if I have 201 records in SalesOrderLine and want to get all data using an API call without duplicating records each time, how can I ensure it returns the latest data with each request?"

    here is api URL  request  : 

    @{concat(' le ''', '2024-05-30T18:00:00', '''&orderby=SORecordIDTxnDate desc&$top=1')
  • 06-04-2024 9:11 AM In reply to

    Re: how to increase Maximum limit of 100 records?

    Unfortunately, we cannot increase the maximum limit of 100 records in a call. Here is what you can do :

    Carefully apply criteria to only pull just the records he needs, nothing more.

    Use paging to pull the next set of 100 records.

    • Skip and top query parameters together allow paginating through the records. The default value of top is 10 and the maximum allowed value of top is 100. i.e Maximum of 100 records can be requested in a single request, use the next link to get the next 100 records.
  • 06-24-2024 12:27 PM In reply to

    Re: how to increase Maximum limit of 100 records?

    "I'm using Azure Data Factory to fetch records. How do I ensure each request retrieves distinct (unique) records? For example, if I have 201 records in SalesOrderLine and want to get all data using an API call without duplicating records each time, how can I ensure it returns the latest data with each request?"

    let's say:  i have 201 record and i have hit endpoint i will get 100 record but when i request 2nd time it should provide me next 100 unique record . please provide me some example or  url request  sample.

    here is api URL  request  : 

    @{concat(' le ''''2024-05-30T18:00:00''''&orderby=SORecordIDTxnDate desc&$top=1')

  • 06-26-2024 1:16 PM In reply to

    Re: how to increase Maximum limit of 100 records?

    Replied on the thread here:

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