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Update Grid Error Message

Last post 01-08-2011 3:04 PM by Method_Paul. 1 replies.
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  • 01-05-2011 9:50 AM

    Update Grid Error Message

    An email from Keith W. (image has been sent to Method team)

    I have developed a data entry grid where I am using the Customer table as the primary table for the Method Screen and I enter data into a grid of a custom table.  When I click the Update button for the grid to save the records entered, I get the following message.

    Can you tell me what errors that I have made in the setup that would generate this error message?  Thanks, Keith Wilhoit, Data AnalytiX  

  • 01-08-2011 3:04 PM In reply to

    Re: Update Grid Error Message

    Keith -

    I'm not sure this is still outstanding for you, as I believe we were already in contact with you.  But just in case, I think the problem was that the aaJBCCustomerFullName field you had on the child grid is an automatic reference to the main screen.  When this column is included it messes up the grid update because we are actually including the field twice.  It's a mistake on our end, but if you just remove the aaJBCCustomerFullName field now as one of the columns you'll be ready to go.


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