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EstimateList Grid

Last post 05-05-2011 8:58 AM by Method_Michael. 1 replies.
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  • 05-05-2011 1:30 AM

    EstimateList Grid

    I'm creating a new screen entitled "Quotes" and would like to use the Estimate screen as a starting point. Since the Estimate screen is already in use, the first thing I need to do is use a different grid for the list that will show up on the left side of the completed screen so that this list can be kept separately from the Estimates list.

    In short, all else being equal between these two screens (estimate and quotes), how do I just edit this EstimateList grid so that I can have a separate screen in Customer Center that looks like the Estimate screen but is running it's own list of Quotes.


  • 05-05-2011 8:58 AM In reply to

    Re: EstimateList Grid

    Hi Andy,

    Based on what you have described it looks like you want the Quote screen to be driven off a new table and not the standard Method Estimate table. If this is the case you can't just make a copy of the estimate screen you would have to create a screen from scratch because screens are tied directly to a table and that can't be changed.

    One option is you can create a flag in the regular Estimate table and use that flag to differentiate your estimates on 2 different screens that are driven by the same table.

    Also what is the reasoning for creating a second estimate table or second estimate list?


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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