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field to know the purchase order line item is billed or not

Last post 10-24-2011 11:57 AM by Method_Valbon. 1 replies.
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  • 10-24-2011 9:09 AM

    field to know the purchase order line item is billed or not


    Is there any field in Purchase order table to know whether the line item is billed or not ?

    Thanks and Regards,


  • 10-24-2011 11:57 AM In reply to

    Re: field to know the purchase order line item is billed or not


    Hi Navitha,

    I have moved your post to our General Q & A forum since I don't think your question is specific to the Method Professional Services App.

    If you edit the PurchaseOrder table from Customize>>>Tables / Fields you can dig in and explore the exisiting fields. Here you will see a field called 'IsFullyReceived' which should help you. This indicates if the PO as a whole has been fully received or not. Tip, I would make sure that QB is open and the sync engine is connected.

    Now, its also important to know that there is more than one table involved here. PurchaseOrder will contain the fields for the PO (header) and PurchaseOrderLine is the table that stores the line items.


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    Valbon Shabani
    Director of Education
    Method Integration Inc.
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