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Not everything from Method is syncing over to QB

Last post 11-11-2011 2:52 PM by mlepitt. 6 replies.
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  • 11-11-2011 11:24 AM

    Not everything from Method is syncing over to QB

    I am noticing that not everything from Method is coming over to QB. One example was a PO that we entered with one item and then replaced the item with another.  That change never came over.  I had to delete the line and add a new one and then it came over. Now, I am seeing that some sales orders are not coming over.  I can create the Invoice off the Sales Order in Method and then the Invoice comes over, but not the sales order.  As a result it isn't linked and doesn't actually close the order.  Can you please log in and figure out what is causing this as I have done all I can think of to troubleshoot the issue.  Sales Order 510083 amd 510084 are the current examples that I have not manually closed out yet in order to move on.

  • 11-11-2011 12:58 PM In reply to

    Re: Not everything from Method is syncing over to QB


    If you make a change in a grid for example and don't actually click Save and just click Update on the grid then the change will never make it to QB.

    In the Save All Sections action found in save buttons it calles something called Send To Desktop which actually pushes the change. Could this be the issue?


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 11-11-2011 1:03 PM In reply to

    Re: Not everything from Method is syncing over to QB

    Let's ignore the first example I gave you about the line item update.  My issue right now is that two sales orders are not coming over to Quickbooks at all.  I have changed field values and saved in an attempt to kick start it.  I made a new sales order under the same customer and it came over.

  • 11-11-2011 1:21 PM In reply to

    Re: Not everything from Method is syncing over to QB


    I took a look at the SO's you pointed out on the orginal Method sales order screen and Wait for Sync Approval is checked, which prevents it from going to QB. If you were to uncheck it and click Save it should go over to QB.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 11-11-2011 1:42 PM In reply to

    Re: Not everything from Method is syncing over to QB

    We don't check-mark that field in and in fact we have it hidden.  How do I prevent that from happening?

  • 11-11-2011 2:32 PM In reply to

    Re: Not everything from Method is syncing over to QB



    If they were orginally a lead it would have been checked by default. Check the actions behind selecting a customer from the customer drop down


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 11-11-2011 2:52 PM In reply to

    Re: Not everything from Method is syncing over to QB

    Thank you for leading me in the right direction to fix this.  I removed the criteria to check mark is waiting for sync approval and did a quick upload to replace where it was set to FALSE.  Down side is that is still isn't linked to the Invoices so I do have to manually close them anyway, but at least they are in QB now.

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