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Suggestion - read only images

Last post 01-27-2012 10:08 AM by Method_Paul. 7 replies.
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  • 01-24-2012 8:41 PM

    • mwishon
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Suggestion - read only images

     Hey guys,  it would nice if image fields could be set as read only.  I'm creating a product catalog for customers and would like my populated images to be protected on the screen.

    Matt Wishon
    Walling Water Mgmt.
  • 01-25-2012 9:34 AM In reply to

    Re: Suggestion - read only images

    Hi mwishon,

    Thank you very much for your suggestion. I just have a question for you:

    1. Are you trying to prevent users from clicking on the images within this catalogue so that they are not allowed to save the image?



  • 01-25-2012 12:34 PM In reply to

    Re: Suggestion - read only images

    Hi mwishon. 

    I just wanted to add some additional information to my previous comment. Images can always be saved on a clients computer when they save the print screen image. 

    Are you trying to make sure that images that are uploaded can't be updated by anyone else?


  • 01-25-2012 2:17 PM In reply to

    • mwishon
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Re: Suggestion - read only images


    The image fields populate based on active screen id.  I don't want a the image to be changed or deleted in the record table. Just like read only status for other fields that you don't want users to edit.

    Thanks, Matt

    Matt Wishon
    Walling Water Mgmt.
  • 01-25-2012 4:54 PM In reply to

    Re: Suggestion - read only images


    Hi mwishon,

    I tested the field type that you were referring to and will consider this suggestion internally.

    I don`t know if or when something like this will be implemented.


  • 01-25-2012 6:27 PM In reply to

    Re: Suggestion - read only images


    You can take a slightly different approach.   Instead of placing the image field on the screen directly,  you can add a label object and use an "Enter Value Into Field On Screen" action to change the caption to a HTML image tag. 

    Mark Crews
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  • 01-25-2012 7:59 PM In reply to

    Re: Suggestion - read only images

    Hey everyone -

    Good news: pictures and attachements already support read only!! i.e. if there it is read-only, then there is no link to upload or change the picture / attachment.

    Bad news: somewhere, in some screen cleaning up, the "read only" checkbox has been set to you can't even set that property the code already supports.

    That's clearly a mistake on our side, and a very simple fix (i.e. changing one place in code from "false" to "true").

    On the next publish to the January version (Friday or Monday), you'll see a read only checkbox if you edit an attachment and click Advanced.

    Pretty sure this is exactly what you are asking for.



  • 01-27-2012 10:08 AM In reply to

    Re: Suggestion - read only images

    Matt - Just want to let you know that this is now available on the January version site.  In fact, checking this read-only checkbox on the January version and then running Method in the December version would still work, since Method know how to publish a read-only picture/attachment object on that version, it just didn't let you set it!


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