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Advanced notice of Method Upgrades?

Last post 01-31-2012 8:50 AM by csmp. 2 replies.
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  • 12-10-2011 10:14 AM

    • csmp
    • Top 200 Contributor
    • Joined on 06-01-2011
    • Posts 20

    Advanced notice of Method Upgrades?

    Dear Method...

    Your newest upgrade seems FANTASTIC! Well done, grids are snappier and action sequence queueing is great!  I think my users are going to love it!  However, what my users did not love is that they could not enter their time into our timesheet program last night.  I saw at 5:07 that you posted the method platform upgrades blog ( which was very helpful to read, and I greatly appreciate the availability of a legacy system (November Temp Login).  Is there any way that I can get some sort of advanced notification prior to these upgrades being made?  Unfortunately this kind of all kind of came together under Murphy's Law.  Our users put their time in on friday's for review by management, this friday happened to be our company christmas party, so everyone left work early, but could not submit their time, so I got a ton of emails and phone calls from disgruntled users all at the same time.



  • 12-12-2011 11:48 AM In reply to

    Re: Advanced notice of Method Upgrades?



    We can never really provided an exact date that an update goes live because issues can always come up delaying a release. However I will bring this up as a suggestion to provide advanced notice if possible.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 01-31-2012 8:50 AM In reply to

    • csmp
    • Top 200 Contributor
    • Joined on 06-01-2011
    • Posts 20

    Re: Advanced notice of Method Upgrades?


    I like the fact that you guys are now rolling out new versions as optional at first so that we can debug before all of our users go live with it.  One thing I wanted to pose as a stop gap solution for other users is subscribing to your RSS feed on the Method Blog.  We have several users that use Method Full Blown and were surprised to see the "January Version" option pop up, this required some communication from our organization.  If I had subscribed to your RSS feed, I would have known somewhat instantly that the January Version had rolled out and been able to communicate that to our users.  Just food for thought!



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