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Open ID Login Problem

Last post 08-16-2012 10:00 AM by Blake C. 4 replies.
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  • 08-16-2012 6:40 AM

    Open ID Login Problem

    I'm unable to login using open id from either intuit or google.  Regular login is working fine.

    Mark Crews
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  • 08-16-2012 8:10 AM In reply to

    • Skye
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Re: Open ID Login Problem

    We are having the same problem here.  As well as an error when we try to sync with intuit.  I also called support and left a message for them.

  • 08-16-2012 9:13 AM In reply to

    Re: Open ID Login Problem

    Yep. I reported via Twitter (@MethodCRM) at 8:15AM CST. It's fixed now when checked at 9:10AM CST.

    They told me to check what server I was on:

    Blake C
  • 08-16-2012 9:46 AM In reply to

    Re: Open ID Login Problem


    Hi everyone - OpenID is up and running now. 

    That was stressful way to start a Thursday morning. I'm going to update everyone on what happened.

    NON-TECHNICAL answer - OpenID failed because Intuit and Google didn't recognise anymore.

    TECHNICAL answer - In case you want to know that I'm not just throwing a random excuse out there. We're in the process of getting updated SSL certificates for our servers - and we're doing something a little different this time around, hopefully in a way that will really benefit the ease of which Method users can sign in (stay tuned). As part of this process, we needed to request additional IP addresses be assigned to each of our servers.  This morning, a Rackspace tech added IP addresses, as requested. But apparently there is a server bug that causes additional IP addresses with a lower IP number to be used, incorrectly, as the primary IP address. Microsoft has a hotfix for the bug, but the alternative is to just assign higher IP address numbers than the true primary IP address. We just finished working with a couple Rackspace techs who are aware of the bug and knew how to quickly resolve it (I guess the late morning shift techs are more knowledgable with the early morning shift techs!).

    I apologize for the OpenID interruption. I know it's so much easier to sign into Method using OpenID rather than a User Name and password, that I'm sure it caused quite a lot of confusion this morning.

    @Blake - nice profile pic


  • 08-16-2012 10:00 AM In reply to

    Re: Open ID Login Problem

    Ha. Thx. Not original...but still comical.

    Thx for the technical explanation, too. Sometimes (not THAT often) I miss those days of setting up servers, SSL certs, and handling all the software config stuff. Glad Rackspace worked it out quickly for everyone.

    Blake C
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