dottie:I would like to create a job completion option, within each job entry in the customer list.
No need - we actually have this information already. If you look on the edit customer screen under the payment & job info tab you'll be able to access the job status info. This does not contain a percentage but generic terms from QuickBooks like pending, in-progress, closed. Is this what you're looking for?
dottie:This percentage must correspond with quickbooks and must include the date and name of the user that updated the information.
QuickBooks uses generic terms for job status so there is no percentage that I know of unless you're using custom fields to track this? Either way the job status information is available to Method CRM and so would any custom fields you may be using.
dottie:Also once the job is 100% complete I need to only allow one specific user to close that job, and this action must correspond with quickbooks, as well.
This is where Method CRM can shine, the process to limit closing that job to one user can be acheived through customization in Method. I would conceive 1-2 screens whereby your closer can view the details on each job, close as necessary and finish out the action with maybe an email out to the customer/sales rep.
If you haven't already you may want to consider speaking with a dedicated consultant who can help you with training, scoping and/or building the project entirely for you.